Recovery Coaching Helps Sustain Recovery, But What Is It?

California is leading the way in using Recovery coaches to help people gain and maintain recovery.  The research is clear, having a professional recovery coach improves recovery outcomes by leaps and bounds!  This is why at Cardinal Point in Downtown Menasha WI we have a Professional Recovery Coach (Steve).  Steve is not only in long term recovery (26 years!) but he has also gone the extra mile getting professionally trained at a recovery coach and professional interventionist.  He also will case manage and find an addiction treatment center that is right for your individual needs.  Pretty cool stuff!  

Wisconsin is a little behind in recovery coaching concepts.  So we thought it was important to have a conversation about what a recovery coach is and how they are different from a therapist or from an AA sponsor.  See it is our belief that there are many ways to gain recovery.  AA is certainly one way…but it isn’t the ONLY way by far!  

Here is a great article from Recovery Coaching International about what a professional recovery coach is


What is Recovery Coaching?*

Recovery Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that supports individuals who are considering (or may be in) recovery from addictions to produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses, or organizations —  while advancing their recovery from addiction.

Recovery Coaches affirm that there is innate health and wellness in each of our clients. We hold our clients creative and resourceful. We do not promote or endorse any single or particular way of achieving or maintaining sobriety, abstinence, or serenity or of reducing suffering from addiction. Our focus is on coaching our clients to create and sustain great and meaningful lives.

Through the process of Recovery Coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life. In each meeting, the client chooses the focus of conversation, while the coach listens and contributes observations and questions. This interaction creates clarity and moves the client toward action. Recovery Coaching accelerates the client’s progress in recovery by providing greater focus and awareness of choices, actions, and responsibility. Coaching concentrates on where clients are now and what they are willing to do to enjoy a better tomorrow.
The Recovery Coaching process recognizes that results are a matter of the client’s intentions, choices, and actions taken toward building a strong foundation and creating a life worth staying healthy for, supported by the coach’s efforts and application of the coaching process.