Top Reasons to Try Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Today

‘Trauma-sensitive yoga’ has become quite catchy in recent years, but is there substance behind the trend? Here are the top reasons to try trauma-sensitive yoga today. Yoga is a supposed prescription for all kinds of ailments, but it might not feel like it’s for you.  What, exactly, makes some yoga ‘trauma-sensitive,’ and why does that…

Yoga: A Self Study For A Healthy Life

2.1 Tapaha Svadyaya isvara pranidanani kriya yoga 1: Purification (self-control) 2: Self study 3: Faith in something bigger than self This sutra happens to be my favorite. My mantra. My driving force to a healthy, well-balanced life. It is a guideline I try and live by to give me direction. Success is varied of course,…

Yoga is a system of living: Namaste’

Therapeutic yoga is my passion.  But yoga is so much more than poses and stretches.  Yoga sutras take therapeutic yoga to the next level and will help you to live a healthier life.  In this blog I will describe my favorite sutra and what a sutra really is. 2.1 Tapaha Svadyaya isvara pranidanani kriya yoga …

5 Easy Steps To Combat Negative Self Talk With Yoga

5 Easy Steps To Combat Negative Self Talk With Yoga Cultivating Counteracting thoughts of Love: The Practice of Pratipaksa-bhavana Today in the West, we mostly think of yoga as an exercise system that moves us through positions we put our bodies in to create more flexibility. Often people tell me they can’t “do yoga” because…